Friday, March 9, 2012

March 9, 2012 Introduction

From the Desk of the Dinosaur - by George Horn

Now I do know that to be a dinosaur you need to be extinct and gone from this earth.  Though I'm not quite into that exact category it has been some time since I did much writing.  Starting in the 1950's and 60's for Ken Martin's Collie Cues, then on to Murray Drucker's Collie Review, a stint as AKC correspondent for the CC of A and finally for some years with Collie Expressions.

In addition it was my pleasure to contribute to the stud dog section of The Complete Collie, even though what was submitted to Isabelle Butler did not subsequently get into the book.  Gayle Kaye and I worked together on the book about Steve Field's Parader Story.  When asked to chair that committee, I made one of the conditions that Gayle be my co-chair and co-editor.  In addition to sharing my admiration for Steve's accomplishments Gayle had access to info. thru the archives and possessed expertise of the computer which was priceless.

So you see I've been at this for some time.  My hope is to share some experiences and opinions with those who love the Collie as I do.  Though it is not my intent to stir up any controversy, there may be things that some will take exception to and not take kindly.  Anything that I may cover will reflect one man's opinion backed by over sixty years in Collies.  My success in Collies will be judged by others, not by myself.  My basis for this endeavor is to share some experiences and perhaps to get folks to think carefully about some things that need to be questioned not just blindly accepted.  I hope it proves to be enjoyable for all of us.

Watch for..."Where Have All The Breeders Gone???"

1 comment:

  1. Hey George! Nice to see you have a blog. Look forward to reading it. Hope all is well.

